Crystallography, Magnetic Resonance and Modeling Laboratory

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Christian JELSCH

Christian JELSCH
OrcIDResearch GateScholarScopusLinkedInScholarGPS
Job : CNRS research director
Teams : BioMIMIC
Phone number : 03 72 74 56 57
Office : 322

• Crystallography at Ultra High Resolution: Extension from small molecules to Macromolecules
• Charge Density Analysis. Development of a Database of Atomic Charges and Electron Density
• Development of Crystallographic Software MoPro (MOlecular PROperties)
• Methodology in Crystallography
• Molecular recognition, Hydrogen bonding
• Protein Crystallogenesis & Structural Biology
• Statistical tools for crystal engineering

  • Doctorat 1989-1993. UPR Biologie Structurale. IBMC. Strasbourg. France
  • Postdoctorat, 1993-1995. Yale University. Mol. Biol. Biochem. Dept., New Haven. USA.
  • Postdoctorat. 1995-1996. CNRS. AFMB. Marseille. France.
  • Chargé de recherche CNRS 1996-2011. LCM3B. Nancy Université. France.
  • Directeur de recherche CNRS, depuis 2011. CRM2, Université de Lorraine. France.
  • 2011- CNRS Director of Researcher at CRM2 laboratory. Nancy France
  • 1996-2011 CNRS Researcher at LCM3B Nancy France
  • 1995-96 Postdoctoral Researcher CNRS Marseille France
  • Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques
  • 1993-95 Postdoctoral Researcher, Yale University New Haven CT USA
  • Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Department
  • 1988-93 PhD at CNRS IBMC Laboratoire de Biologie Structurale Strasbourg France
  • 1988 Diploma Ingénieur Ecole Centrale Paris, Chemical Enginering Option

Gallagher, J. F., Hehir, N., Mocilac, P., Violin, C., O’connor, B. F., Aubert, E., Espinosa E. & Jelsch, C. (2022). Probing the Electronic Properties and Interaction Landscapes in a Series of N-(Chlorophenyl) pyridinecarboxamides. Crystal growth & design22(5), 3343-3358.

Goldwaser, E., Laurent, C., Lagarde, N., Fabrega, S., Nay, L., Villoutreix, B. O., Jelsch, C., Nicot, A.B., Loriot, M.A…. & Miteva, M. A. (2022). Machine learning-driven identification of drugs inhibiting cytochrome P450 2C9. PLoS Computational Biology18(1), e1009820.

Pal, R., Jelsch, C., Momma, K., & Grabowsky, S. (2022). π‐Hole bonding in a new co‐crystal hydrate of gallic acid and pyrazine: static and dynamic charge density analysis. Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials78(2), 231-246.

Vukovic, V., Piteša, T., Jelsch, C., Wenger, E., & Molčanov, K. (2021). An unusual intermolecular interaction between a lone pair and an electron-rich π-electron system of a quinoid dianion. Crystal Growth & Design21(10), 5651-5658.

Vuković, V., Leduc, T., Jelić-Matošević, Z., Didierjean, C., Favier, F., Guillot, B., & Jelsch, C. (2021). A rush to explore protein–ligand electrostatic interaction energy with Charger. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology77(10), 1292-1304.

Milašinović, V., Molčanov, K., Krawczuk, A., Bogdanov, N. E., Zakharov, B. A., Boldyreva, E. V., … & Kojić-Prodić, B. (2021). Charge density studies of multicentre two-electron bonding of an anion radical at non-ambient temperature and pressure. IUCrJ8(4), 644-654.

Jha, K. K., Gruza, B., Chodkiewicz, M. L., Jelsch, C., & Dominiak, P. M. (2021). Refinements on electron diffraction data of β-glycine in MoPro: a quest for an improved structure model. Journal of Applied Crystallography54(4), 1234-1243.

Andreici Eftimie, E. L., Avram, N. M., Jelsch, C., & Nicolov, M. (2020). Morphology of the GdVO4 crystal: first-principles studies. Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials76(5), 749-756.

Leduc, T., Aubert, E., Espinosa, E., Jelsch, C., Iordache, C., & Guillot, B. (2019). Polarization of Electron Density Databases of Transferable Multipolar Atoms. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A123(32), 7156-7170.

Gallagher, J. F., Farrell, M., Hehir, N., Mocilac, P., Aubert, E., Espinosa, E., Guillot B.& Jelsch, C. (2019). At the Interface of Isomorphous Behavior in a 3× 3 Isomer Grid of Monochlorobenzamides: Analyses of the Interaction Landscapes via Contact Enrichment Studies. Crystal Growth & Design19(11), 6141-6158.

Vukovic, V., Molčanov, K., Jelsch, C., Wenger, E., Krawczuk, A., Juric, M., … & Kojić-Prodić, B. (2019). Malleable electronic structure of chloranilic acid and its species determined by X-ray charge density studies. Crystal Growth & Design19(5), 2802-2810.

Molčanov, K., Jelsch, C., Landeros, B., Hernandez-Trujillo, J., Wenger, E., Stilinovic, V., … & Escudero-Adán, E. C. (2018). Partially covalent two-electron/multicentric bonding between semiquinone radicals. Crystal Growth & Design19(1), 391-402.

Fournier, B., Guillot, B., Lecomte, C., Escudero-Adán, E. C., & Jelsch, C. (2018). A method to estimate statistical errors of properties derived from charge-density modelling. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances74(3), 170-183.

Gianopoulos, C. G., Zhurov, V. V., Minasian, S. G., Batista, E. R., Jelsch, C., & Pinkerton, A. A. (2017). Bonding in uranium (V) hexafluoride based on the experimental electron density distribution measured at 20 K. Inorganic chemistry56(4), 1775-1778.

87) Nassour, A., Domagala, S., Guillot, B., Leduc, T &, Lecomte & Jelsch C*.. (2017) Acta Cryst. B73, 610–625. A theoretical-electron-density databank using a model of real and virtual spherical atoms.

83) Molcanov, K.*, Jelsch, C.*, Wenger, E., Stare, J., Madsen, A. Ø., & Kojic-Prodic, B. (2017). CrystEngComm. 19, 3898 – 3901, Experimental evidence of 3-centre, 2-electron covalent bond character of the central OHO fragment on the Zundel cation in crystals of Zundel nitranilate tetra-hydrate.

82) Jelsch C* & Guillot B. 2017. Acta Cryst. B73, 136–137. Directionnal halogen bonds.

81) Jelsch C*., Bibila Mayaya Bisseyou, Y. 2017, IUCrJ 4, 158-174. Atom interaction propensities of oxygenated chemical functions in crystal packings.

80) Devi Rajendran, N., Jelsch, C.*, Samuel, I., Aubert, E., Chellam, A., Hosamani, A. A. 2017, Acta Cryst B73, 1-13. Charge density analysis of Metformin Chloride, a biguanide anti-hyperglycemic agent.

78) Richard M, Chateau A, Jelsch C, Didierjean C, Manival X, Charron C, Maigret B, Barberi-Heyob M, Chapleur Y, Boura C, Pellegrini-Moïse N. 2016, Bioorg Med Chem. 24, 5315-5325.

Carbohydrate-based peptidomimetics targeting neuropilin-1: Synthesis, molecular docking study and in vitro biological activities

73) Meyer, B., Guillot, B., Ruiz-Lopez, M. F., Jelsch, C. & Genoni, A. (2016). J. Chem. Theory Comput. 12 , 1068–1081, Libraries of Extremely Localized Molecular Orbitals. 2. Comparison with the Pseudoatoms Transferability

71) Ahmed M, Nassour A, Noureen S, Lecomte C & Jelsch C.* Acta Cryst. B. 2016. B72, 75-86. Experimental and Theoretical charge density analysis of 1,4-bis (5-hexyl-2-thienyl) butane-1,4 dione: Applications of a virtual atom model.

69) Molčanov K*, Stare J, Kojić-Prodić B, Lecomte C, Dahaoui S, Jelsch C*, Wenger E, Šantić A, Zarychta B. Cryst. Eng. Comm. 2015, 17, 8645-8656 A polar/π model of interactions explains face-to-face stacked quinoid rings: a case study in the crystal of potassium hydrogen chloranilate dihydrate

67) Jelsch, C.*, Soudani, S., Ben Nasr C. J. (2015). IUCr J, | 327-340

Likelihood of atom–atom contacts in crystal structures of halogenated organic compounds.

66) Zarychta, B., Lyubimov, A., Ahmed, M., Munshi, P., Guillot, B., Vrielink, A. & Jelsch, C.* Acta Cryst. D. 2015. D71, 954-968. Cholesterol oxidase: ultra high resolution crystal structure and multipolar atom model based analysis.

64) Jelsch, C.*, Ejsmont C. Huder, L. IUCrJ (2014). 1, 119-128. The enrichment ratio of atomic contacts in crystals, an indicator derived from the Hirshfeld surface analysis

63) Nassour, A., Kubicki, M., Wright, J., Borowiak, T., Dutkiewicz, G., Lecomte & Jelsch, C*. Acta Cryst B70. (2014). 197-211 Charge density analysis using a multipolar atoms and a spherical charges model: 2-methyl-1,3-cyclopentanedione, a compound displaying a resonance-assisted-hydrogen-bond.

62) Ahmed, M., Yar M., Nassour, A., Guillot, B., Lecomte C. & Jelsch C. * J. Phys. Chem. A, 2013, 117 , 14267–14275. Experimental and Theoretical Charge Density Analysis of a Bromoethyl Sulfonium Salt

60) Elias, M, Liebschner, D., Koepke, J., Lecomte, C., Guillot, B., Jelsch C. & Chabriere E.BioMedCentral Res. Notes.2013, 6:308. Hydrogen atoms in protein structures: high-resolution X-ray diffraction structure of the DFPase.

59) Ahmed M, Jelsch C, Guillot B, Lecomte C, Domagała S.* Crystal Growth Design. 2013., 13, 315–325. Relationship between stereochemistry and charge density in hydrogen bonds with oxygen acceptors.

58) Brezgunova M.E., Emmanuel Aubert E., Dahaoui, S., Fertey P., Lebègue S., Jelsch C, Angyan J.G., Espinosa E. Cryst. Growth Des. 2012, 12, 5373−5386. Charge Density Analysis and Topological Properties of Hal3 Synthons and their Comparison with Competing Hydrogen Bonds

57) Bibila Mayaya Bisseyou Y, Bouhmaida N, Guillot B, Lecomte C, Lugan N, Ghermani NE &, a Jelsch C.* 2012. Acta Cryst B. B68, 646-660. Experimental and database-transferred electron-density analysis and evaluation of electrostatic forces in coumarin-102 dye

56) Poulain-Paul A, Nassour A, Jelsch C, Guillot B, Kubicki M & Lecomte C. Acta Cryst. A. (2012). A68, 715-728. A critical analysis of dipole moment calculations as obtained from experimental and theoretical structure factors.

55) Dadda N, Nassour A, Guillot B, Benali-Cherif N & Jelsch C.* Acta Cryst. (2012). A68, 452-463. Charge-density analysis and electrostatic properties of 2-carboxy-4-methylanilinium chloride monohydrate obtained using a multipolar and a spherical-charges model

54) Domagala S., Fournier B, Liebschner D., Guillot B. and Jelsch C* Acta Cryst. (2012). A68, 337-351. An improved experimental databank of transferable multipolar atom models – ELMAM2. Construction details and applications.

52) Liebschner D., Jelsch C., Espinosa E., Lecomte C., Chabrière E. & Guillot B. (2011) J. Phys. Chem. A, 115. 12895–12904. Topological Analysis of Hydrogen Bonds and Weak Interactions in Protein Helices via Transferred Experimental Charge Density Parameters

51) Paul, A., Kubicki M., Jelsch C., Durand P. & Lecomte C. (2011). R-free factor and experimental charge-density analysis of 1-(2′-aminophenyl)-2-methyl-4-nitroimidazole: a crystal structure with Z’ = 2. Acta Cryst. (2011). B67, 365-378.

47) Zarychta B., Zaleski J., Kyzioł J., Daszkiewicz Z. & Jelsch C*. Acta Cryst. (2011). B67, 250–262. Charge-density analysis of 1-nitroindoline: refinement quality using free R factors and restraints

46) Chambrier M.H., Bouhmaida N., Bonhomme F., Lebegue S., Gillet J.M., Jelsch C. & Ghermani N.E. Electron and Electrostatic Properties of Three Crystal Forms of Piracetam. Crystal Growth & Design. 2011, 11, 2528–2539.

45) Domagala S, Munshi P, Ahmed M, Guillot B & Jelsch C.* Acta Cryst. (2011). B67. 63-78. Structural analysis and multipole modelling of quercetin monohydrate – a quantitative and comparative study.

44) Bak JM, Domagała S, Huebschle C, Jelsch C, Dittrich B & Dominiak PM. Acta Cryst. (2011). A67. A67, 141-153. Verification of structural and electrostatic properties obtained by the use of different pseudoatom databases.

42) Munshi P, Jelsch C*, Hathwar VR, Row TNG. 2010. Crystal growth & Design. (2010) 10, 1516-1526. Experimental and theoretical charge density analysis of polymorphic structures: case of coumarin 314 dye.

41) Liebschner D., Elias, M., Moniot, S., Fournier, B., Scott K., Jelsch, C., Guillot, B., Lecomte C. & Chabrière E.* (2009). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 7879–7886. Elucidation of the Phosphate Binding Mode of DING Proteins Revealed by Sub-angstrom X-ray Crystallography

40) Fournier B., Bendeif E.E., Guillot B., Podjarny A., Lecomte C. & Jelsch C.* (2009). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 10929–10941. Charge Density and Electrostatic Interactions of Fidarestat, an Inhibitor of Human Aldose Reductase

39) Bouhmaida N., Bonhomme F., Spasojević-de Biré A., Guillot B., Jelsch C. & Ghermani N.E.. (2009) Acta Cryst. B65, 363-374. Charge density and electrostatic forces in paracetamol.

37) Domagala S. & Jelsch C.* (2008) J. Appl. Cryst. 41. Optimal local axes and symmetry assignment for charge-density refinement.

36) Guillot B., Jelsch C.*, Podjarny A. & Lecomte C. (2008) Acta Cryst. D. D64, 567-588. Charge density analysis of a protein structure at subatomic resolution: the human Aldose Reductase case.

33) -44llZarychta, B., Pichon-Pesme, V., Guillot, B., Lecomte, C. & Jelsch., C*. (2007). Acta Cryst. A63, 108-125. On the application of an experimental multipolar pseudo-atom library for accurate refinement of small molecule and protein crystal structures.

31) Jelsch, C.*, Guillot, B., Lagoutte, A. & Lecomte, C., (2005). J. Appl. Cryst. 38, 38-54. Advances in Proteins and Small Molecules. Charge Density Refinement Methods using software MoPro

28) Lecomte C, Guillot B, Muzet N, Pichon-Pesme V, Jelsch C. Cell Mol Life Sci. (2004), 61, 774-82. Review. Ultra-high-resolution X-ray structure of proteins.

27) Andrea Schmidt, Christian Jelsch, Peter Østergaard, Wojciech Rypniewski & Victor S. Lamzin. J. Biol. Chem. (2003). 278, 43357-43362. Trypsin Revisited: crystallography at (sub) atomic resolution and quantum chemistry revealing details of catalysis.

26) Guillot B, Muzet N, Artacho E, Lecomte C, Jelsch C.*

Phys. Chem. B (2003). 107. 9109-9121. Experimental and Theoretical Electron Density Studies in Large Molecules : NAD+, beta-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide

25) Muzet M, Guillot B, Jelsch C & Lecomte C.* Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2003), 100: 8742-8747. On the Electrostatic Complementarity in a Human Aldose Reductase / NADP+ / Inhibitor Complex as derived from First-Principles Calculations and Ultra-High Resolution Crystallography

24) Liu Q, Huang Q, Teng M, Weeks CM, Jelsch C, Zhang R & Niu L.* (2003). J. Biol. Chem. 278: 41400 – 41408. The Crystal Structure of a Novel, Inactive, Lysine 49 PLA2 from Agkistrodon acutus Venom: an Ultrahigh Resolution, ab Initio Structure Determination.

22) Kubicki M., Borowiak T., Dutkiewicz G., Souhassou M., Jelsch C. & Lecomte C.*

Experimental electron density of 1-phenyl-4-nitro-imidazole and topological analysis of C-H···O and C-H···N hydrogen bonds. J. Phys. Chem. B. (2002). 106. 3706-3714.

20) Jelsch C. Acta Cryst. (2001). A57. 558-570. Sparsity of the normal matrix in the refinement of proteins at atomic and subatomic resolution.

19) Guillot R., Muzet N., Dahaoui S., Lecomte C. & Jelsch C.* Acta Cryst (2001). B57. 567-578. Experimental and Theoretical Charge density of dl- Alanyl-Methionine.

18) Guillot B., Viry L., Guillot R., Lecomte C. & Jelsch C.* J. Applied Crystallography (2001). 34, 214-223. Refinement of proteins at subatomic resolution with MOPRO.

17) Guillot B., Lecomte C., Cousson A., Scherf C. & Jelsch C*. Acta Cryst. (2001) D57, 981-989. High-resolution neutron structure of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.

16) Taleb M., Didierjean C., Jelsch C., Mangeot J.P. & Aubry A.

Journal of Crystal Growth. (2001). 232, 250-55..

Equilibrium kinetics of lysozyme crystallization under an external electric field.

15) Fernandez-Serra M.V., Junquera J., Jelsch C., Lecomte C. & Artacho E

Solid State Communications. (2000) 116, 395-400.

Electron density in the peptide bonds of crambin

13) Jelsch C., Teeter M.M. Lamzin V., Pichon-Pesme V., Blessing R.H. & Lecomte C.*

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. (2000) 97, 3171-3176 . Accurate protein crystallography at ultra-high resolution: valence electron distribution in crambin.

11) Housset D., Benabicha F., Pichon-Pesme V., Jelsch C., Maierhofer A., David S., Fontecilla-Camps J.C. & Lecomte C. Acta Cryst. (2000). D56, 151-160.

Towards the charge density of proteins: a scorpion toxin at 0.96 A resolution as a first test case.

10) Aubry A., Taleb M., Mangeot J.P., Didierjean C., Jelsch C. & Capelle B.

Biochimie FEBS, (1999), 6, s148.

Crystallization of biological macromolecules under an external electric field

8) Taleb M., Didierjean C., Jelsch C., Mangeot J.P., Capelle B. & Aubry A. J. Crystal Growth. (1999) 200. 575-582. Crystallization of proteins under an external electric field.

6) Jelsch C.*, Pichon-Pesme V. & Lecomte C. & Aubry A. Acta Cryst. (1998). D54, 1306-1318. Transferability of multipole charge density parameters : Application to very high resolution oligopeptide and protein structures.

5) Jelsch C., Longhi S., Cambillau C. Proteins, Struct. Funct. & Genet. (1998) 31: 320-333.

Packing forces in 9 crystal forms of cutinase.

3) Jelsch C, Mourey L, Masson JM & Samama JP. Proteins: structure, function & genetics. (1993), 16, 364-383. Crystal structure of Escherichia coli TEM1 beta-lactamase at 1.8 Å.
