Laboratoire de Cristallographie, Résonance Magnétique et Modélisations

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Research GateScholarScopus
Fonction(s) : Professeur émérite
Equipe(s) : BioMIMIC et CRISP
Téléphone : 03 83 68 48 65
Bureau : 411
Domaine(s) de recherche :

• Charge and spin density analysis by accurate X and polarized neutron diffraction: experiments
,methodology, instrumentation (pixel detectors) ; applications to inorganic and molecular
materials , magnetic or not , intermolecular interactions and phase transitions.
• Proteins and drug design from ultra-high resolution X-ray diffraction data.

• 18 review articles, more than 230 publications, 350 conferences or posters, 20 organizations
or contributions to international meetings or schools. Supervisor of 30 PhD students, most of
them being crystallographers or computing scientists in France or north Africa or sub-Saharan
• Cited 11406 times on 235 papers
• H-index 51 (27 since 2014)

Claude LECOMTE, 71, Emerituss Professor of Physics and Crystallography, Past Director of
CRM2 laboratory Cristallographie, Résonance Magnétique et Modélisations, which he
founded in January 1995 (until December 2012). Past director of the Institut Jean Barriol ,
Université de Lorraine

  • Distinctions
    • 2010 Max Perutz Prize of European Crystallography Association (ECA) for his work in charge density methodology and applications (
    • 1997-2002 President of the French Crystallography association (AFC)
    • 2000 Chairman of ECM19 ( 1050 delegates or participants, held in Nancy, France)
    • 2000-2003 President of the European Crystallography Association
    • 2006-2011 Member of the Executive Committee of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
    • 2011-2014 Vice President of the IUCr
    • 2006-…. Chairman of the IUCr Africa Initiative
  • Research evaluation
    • 2006-2011 Member of the physics department of the Agence d évaluation de la recherche
    • 2003-2006 Member of the physics department of the MSTP
    • 1995-2000 Member of the CNRS commission 5

Claude LECOMTE, 71, Emeritus Professor of Physics and Crystallography, Past Director of
CRM2 laboratory Cristallographie, Résonance Magnétique et Modélisations, which he
founded in January 1995 (until December 2012). Past director of the Institut Jean Barriol ,
Université de Lorraine

  • Distinctions
    • 2010 Max Perutz Prize of European Crystallography Association (ECA) for his work in charge density methodology and applications (
    • 1997-2002 President of the French Crystallography association (AFC)
    • 2000 Chairman of ECM19 ( 1050 delegates or participants, held in Nancy, France)
    • 2000-2003 President of the European Crystallography Association
    • 2006-2011 Member of the Executive Committee of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
    • 2011-2014 Vice President of the IUCr
    • 2006-…. Chairman of the IUCr Africa Initiative
  • Research evaluation
    • 2006-2011 Member of the physics department of the Agence d évaluation de la recherche
    • 2003-2006 Member of the physics department of the MSTP
    • 1995-2000 Member of the CNRS commission 5
  • Université Henri Poincaré Nancy 1
    • Basic Physics undergraduate level
    • Crystallogaphy ,group theory graduate and under graduate level ( see crystallographic course)
    • X Ray diffraction graduate and undergraduate level ( see diffraction notes)
    • Diffuse scattering , incommensurate structures graduate level
    • Neutron and electron diffraction undergraduate level
    • Charge density modelling and electrostatic properties
  • Ecole de cristallographie
    • Basic crystallography, diffraction and charge density modelling
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